
SECURITY  All users (only Full Access or Team Access privileges in File Protection Manager may make changes)


NAVIGATION  Teams > right click team > View Team Devices (the list will be filtered to display only devices for that team)

NAVIGATION  Users > right click user > View User Devices

This page displays all devices, across all teams. This information can be exported to a .CSV or .XLSX file. If you have accessed this list from the Team detail or from the User detail, the list will be automatically filtered by that team or user. To view all devices, click the X icon on the filter.

You can customize how this list looks using the view selector, filter options, the column chooser, column order, and column sort order. Refer to our How to... section for details. Then you can save the customized view so you can access it quickly in the future. In addition, your saved views can be scheduled to be run as reports and sent to users daily, weekly, or monthly. Refer to Save filtered views and optionally schedule as a report.

NOTE  To manage individual teams and their users and devices, you'll go to the team's Deployments page, the team's Users, and the team's Devices or Servers pages in File Protection Online. To manage backup profiles for team devices, refer to Backup Profiles.

How to...