QUESTION   Can I monitor File Protection with a remote monitoring and management (RMM) tool?

ANSWER  Yes. Just use the .xml generated by File Protection.

NOTE  For information about monitoring Datto File Protection with Datto RMM, please refer to Integrate with Datto RMM.

We include an .xml file that you can use in conjunction with remote monitoring and management tools. The resulting files will be placed on your computer here:

File Protection Desktop for Windows

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Datto\Common\Status Report - Datto File Protection.xml

File Protection Desktop for Mac

~/Library/Preferences/com.datto.dfp/Status Report.xml

File Protection Server

C:\ProgramData\Datto\Common\Status Report - Datto File Protection Server.xml

The .xml file is comprised of the following fields:

XML Header Fields

Name Platform Format Description
now win,mac time_t unix timestamp, "when this file was written"
platform win,mac string "win" or "mac"
rcid win,mac string agent id
product win,mac string Name of this product

XML Body Fields

Tag Name Platform Format Description
value agent-account-name win,mac integer Returns the UserID (numeric value)
value agent-bw-inbound win,mac integer Bytes per second inbound network usage
value agent-bw-outbound win,mac integer Bytes per second outbound network usage
value agent-connect-counter win,mac integer Number of times has reconnected since startup
value agent-connection-host win,mac string Host name for current connection
value agent-connection-port win,mac integer Port number for current connection
value agent-hw-approved win,mac boolean Status of hardware approval
value agent-idle win,mac boolean Indicates whether is idle?
value agent-logon-time win,mac time_t Last login (Unix time stamp)
value agent-online win,mac enum

Displays status:


value agent-policy-configuration-locked win,mac boolean Indicates whether configuration is locked by policy (user cannot alter configuration)
value agent-run-mode win enum Displays if is running in service mode ("service") or standard mode ( "unified")
value agent-start win,mac time_t Displays last start time (Unix time stamp)
value agent-subscription-status win,mac enum

Displays user status:

value agent-version win,mac string Displays version of version installed on the device
value backup-active win,mac boolean Indicates whether is currently backing up
value backup-bytes-remaining win,mac integer Displays the number of bytes remaining to backup
list backup-configuration win,mac list of strings Lists the root folders that are being backed up
value backup-files-remaining win,mac integer Displays the number of files pending backup
value backup-last-complete win,mac time_t Displays the last time completed a backup (Unix time stamp)
value backup-numbytes win,mac integer Displays the number of bytes configured to backup
value backup-numfiles win,mac integer Displays the number of files configured to backup
value backup-percent-complete win, mac 0..100 Displays backup configuration progress as a percentage
value backup-policy win,mac boolean Displays whether the backup configuration is controlled by policies
value backup-setting win,mac enum Displays backup status, as impacted by network settings: "enable" - network connection enabled, "suspended" - network connection disabled
value backup-timeleft win,mac integer Displays number of seconds left to complete backup
value backup-stopped-quota mac,win boolean Indicates that backup is suspended due to lack of storage quota
value restore-active win,mac boolean Displays whether the device is actively restoring
value restore-bytes win,mac integer Displays number of bytes in current restore set
value restore-status win,mac 0..100 Displays percentage complete of restore
value restore-time win,mac integer Displays the number of seconds left in current restore
value setup-active win,mac boolean Indicates whether setup is currently running
value setup-deployment-info win,mac string Displays error messages regarding setup issues
value setup-deployment-key win,mac string Displays the TeamKey being used for remote deployment
value setup-deployment-status win,mac enum

Displays the current deployment status:
